44,18 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 17.09.2024

This generously illustrated volume is the first comprehensive publication devoted to the powerfully expressive work of David Park (1911-60). Best known as the founder of Bay Area Figurative art, Park moved from Boston to California at the age of seventeen and spent most of his adult life in and around San Francisco. In the immediate postwar years, like many avant-garde American artists, he engaged

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This generously illustrated volume is the first comprehensive publication devoted to the powerfully expressive work of David Park (1911-60). Best known as the founder of Bay Area Figurative art, Park moved from Boston to California at the age of seventeen and spent most of his adult life in and around San Francisco. In the immediate postwar years, like many avant-garde American artists, he engaged with Abstract Expressionism and painted non-objectively. In a moment of passion in 1949, he made the radical decision to abandon nearly all of his abstract canvases at the Berkeley city dump and return to the human figure, in so doing marking the beginning of the Bay Area Figurative movement. The astonishingly powerful paintings he made in the decade that followed brought together his long-held interest in classic subjects such as portraiture, domestic interiors, musicians, rowers, and bathers with lush, gestural paint handling and an extraordinary sense of color. In 1958-59 Park reached his expressive peak, reveling in the sensuous qualities of paint to create intensely physical, psychologically charged, and deeply felt canvases. This fertile period cut short by illness in 1960, Park transferred his creative energy to other mediums when he could no longer work on canvas. In the last months of his life, bedridden, he produced an extraordinary thirty-foot-long felt-tip-pen scroll and a poignant series of gouaches. Published to accompany the first major museum exhibition of Park's work in more than thirty years, David Park: A Retrospective traces the full arc of the artist's career, from his early social realist and cubist-inspired efforts of the 1930s to his mature figurative paintings of the 1950s and his astounding final works on paper. An overview of Park's full body of work by Janet Bishop, SFMOMA's Thomas Weisel Family Curator of Painting and Sculpture, will be joined by approximately ninety full-color plates of paintings and works on paper; an essay by Tara McDowell on the figure drawing sessions held by Park, Richard Diebenkorn, Elmer Bischoff, Frank Lobdell, and others in their studios starting in 1953; short essays on Park's scroll, his gouaches, and the portraits that Imogen Cunningham and Park made of each other; and an illustrated chronology. Published in association with the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Exhibition schedule: Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth: June 2-September 8, 2019 Kalamazoo Institute of Arts: December 21, 2019-March 15, 2020 San Francisco Museum of Modern Art: April 11-September 7, 2020

Umenie - ostatné

Vitajte na našej stránke v záložke "Umenie - ostatné". Táto podkategória je určená pre všetkých milovníkov umenia, ktorí sa zaujímajú o iné aspekty umenia, ktoré by nespadali do štandardných kategórií ako maľba, sochárstvo či literatúra.

V tejto podkategórii nájdete fascinujúce a neobvyklé formy umenia, ktoré na prvý pohľad možno nemusia vyzerať ako typické umelecké diela. Tieto diela prinášajú inovatívny a experimentálny prístup k umeleckému vyjadreniu.

Nájdete tu množstvo rôznych druhov umenia, od street artu a graffiti po abstraktné inštalácie a performance. Taktiež sa budeme venovať novým technológiám a digitálnemu umeniu, ktoré neustále posúvajú hranice tradičného umeleckého vyjadrenia.

Okrem toho, rada by sme v tejto podkategórii prinášali aj rozpravy a články o významných osobnostiach v oblasti umenia, ktoré by sme inak nedokázali zaradiť do iných kategórií. Budeme sa snažiť objaviť a predstaviť umelcov, ktorí prinášajú nové myšlienky a hľadia na umenie z iných perspektív.

Na našej stránke pravidelne aktualizujeme obsah v tejto podkategórii, aby sme vám priniesli čo najnovšie a najzaujímavejšie informácie zo sveta umenia. Veríme, že vás naše články a videá inšpirujú a pomôžu vám objaviť nové aspekty umenia, ktoré ste možno ešte nepoznali.

Pridajte sa k nám a objavte s nami všetky krásy umenia, ktoré sa nachádzajú mimo bežných žánrov. Nechajte sa inšpirovať a presvedčte sa sami, že umelecká tvorba sa nedá obmedziť len na štandardné kategórie, ale je nekonečne široká a rozmanitá. Tešíme sa na vašu návštevu a dúfame, že budete mať príjemný zážitok pri prehliadaní našej stránky v podkategórii "Umenie - ostatné".

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