48,93 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 17.09.2024

The most comprehensive, fully illustrated book on women designers ever published - a celebration of more than 200 women product designers from the early twentieth century to the present day This glorious visual celebration of the most incredible and impactful design ever produced by women designers flips the script on what is historically considered a man's world. Featuring more than 200 designers

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The most comprehensive, fully illustrated book on women designers ever published - a celebration of more than 200 women product designers from the early twentieth century to the present day This glorious visual celebration of the most incredible and impactful design ever produced by women designers flips the script on what is historically considered a man's world. Featuring more than 200 designers from more than 50 countries, including icons and trailblazers past and present such as Ray Eames, Eileen Gray, Florence Knoll, Ilse Crawford, Faye Toogood, Nathalie du Pasquier, it records and illuminates the fascinating and overlooked history of women preeminent in the field. With each designer represented by a key product and short text, this fascinating A-Z survey shines a vital spotlight on the most extraordinary objects made by women designers but, more importantly, offers a compelling primer on the best in the field of design demonstrating that design is not - and never has been - a man's world.

Dizajn, úžitkové umenie, móda

Naša podkategória Dizajn, úžitkové umenie, móda je miestom, kde môžete objaviť a objednať si originálne umelecké diela, ktoré zdobia a zlepšujú váš domov, ako aj štýlové módné kúsky pre seba.

V tejto kategórii nájdete široký výber unikátnych dizajnérskych predmetov a módy, ktoré sa líšia svojou jedinečnosťou a neopakovateľnosťou. Každý kúsok je vyrobený s láskou a starostlivosťou o detaily, robený rukami skúsených umeleckých remeselníkov.

Začnime s dizajnovými predmetmi pre váš domov. Ponúkame skvelú kolekciu umeleckých diel, ako sú obrazy, sochárstvo, fotografia a iné, ktoré dokážu oživiť každý interiér. Tieto diela majú rôzne štýly, od abstraktných a moderných po klasické a tradičné, čo vám umožňuje vybrať si to, čo najlepšie vyhovuje vášmu vkusu a atmosfére vášho domova.

Okrem toho máme tiež štýlové a praktické dizajnové predmety ako lampy, vázy, zrkadlá a iné, ktoré pridajú vášmu domu osobitý šmrnc a dokážu zmeniť obyčajný miestnosť na elegantný priestor. Každý z týchto predmetov je navrhnutý tak, aby zohľadňoval najnovšie trendy v dizajne, pričom sa snažíme udržiavať rovnováhu medzi estetikou a funkčnosťou.

Pre tých, ktorí sú nadšenci módy, ponúkame tiež širokú škálu dizajnových kúskov. Naša móda je o vytváraní jedinečných a individuálnych štýlov, ktoré vám umožňujú vyjadriť svoju osobnosť a ísť proti hlavnému prúdu. Nájdete u nás rôzne odevy, kabelky, obuv a ďalšie doplnky, ktoré vás precízia spravia svojím odhodlaným štýlom.

Naša kategória Dizajn, úžitkové umenie, móda je miestom, kde sa môžete nechať inšpirovať, objaviť krásu a vyjadriť svoju individualitu. Obdivujte rôznorodosť výtvarného umenia, pridajte si do domova umelecký šmrnc a oblečte sa výnimočne. Umelecké diela v našej ponuke sú vytvorené so srdcom, s dôrazom na kvalitu a detaily. Vyberte si dnes niečo originálne a spravte svoj domov a šatník nezabudnuteľnými.

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\'Dame Anna Wintour might be one of the best-known and most successful journalists on the planet. But it wasn\'t always like that. When she started out on Vogue she was often so miserable she had to phone her husband for help. This is just one of countless fascinating titbits in this zippy story of dizzying fortune, out-of this-world fashion, ingenuity, passion, sex and power. And, this being fashion,

Move and Art Move and Art

Inspiring new design ideas from multiple award-winning Danish fashion and interior designer Malene Birger. In this third volume of her successful interior design series, Birger showcases four houses and apartments she has recently furnished in England, Italy, Greece and Spain. Alluring before-and-after shots trace the path from proverbial white canvas to feel-good oasis. In addition, the versatile

Little Guides to Style Collection Little Guides to Style Collection

For the first time, eight collectable, pocket-sized fashion books in one set. Containing the stories of eight legendary fashion houses, this beautiful box holds the best-selling fashion style guides. Exploring eight designers who exemplify elegance and high couture, the little books of fashion follow these brands from their creation, moving through their style evolutions, the key looks that define

Earthquakes, Mudslides, Fires & Riots:California and Graphic Design 1936-1986 Earthquakes, Mudslides, Fires & Riots:California and Graphic Design 1936-1986

According to the cliche, California is the place where anything goes and everyone does their own thing. Maybe that\'s because everyone knows that in California there\'s no terra firma: earthquakes, mudslides, fires, and the occasional civil uprising cause constant upheaval and change. It is also legendary as fertile ground for creativity, freedom, and social consciousness, where the status quo undergoes

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The invention of the Jacquard loom in eighteenth-century France paved the way for computing and revolutionary change. From its punch-card origins, code has evolved to define and enable new methods in design, making, visualization, production and communication, achieving the previously unimaginable. \"Digital Visions for Fashion and Textiles: Made in Code\" considers how computing has reinvented image,

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Step up your enamel pin game and learn how to make your own with this colorful collection of imaginative and inspiring creations! Popping up on countless jackets, backpacks, totes, and hats, enamel pins have taken the world by storm. Portable, collectible, and totally adorable, pins are the perfect accessory for expressing your pop culture fandom, obscure obsessions, and artistic ambitions. Now, wildly

Decorating with Plants Decorating with Plants

Houseplants are more popular than ever before--especially with millennials, who are setting up their homes for the first time and discovering that nothing can add energy, style, and that essential \"lived-in-ness\" to their spaces better than a little bit of green. Whether it\'s a statement-making fiddle-leaf fig or a tiny tabletop succulent, a houseplant instantly elevates the look of your home. But

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Fashion: The Ultimate History of Costume Fashion: The Ultimate History of Costume

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Ultimate Toys for Men Ultimate Toys for Men

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Figure it Out Figure it Out

The colourful world of figurines may often be associated with anime fans, movie buffs, and hobbyists, but there is a growing section of graphic designers who are making their mark as creator-collectors. Figure It Out turns the spotlight on the talented creatives who apply their artistry beyond their usual two-dimensional canvases onto unique collectibles that blur the line between toy and art. Featuring

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Threads - Contemporary Embroidery Art Threads - Contemporary Embroidery Art

Showcasing over 80 international artists who incorporate embroidery into their practice, this book provides a survey of embroidery in contemporary art, illustrating the huge range of ways in which the craft has been embraced as a form of creative expression. Some artists evoke a kind of nostalgia, rediscovering skills that have fallen from fashion or promoting the value of ancient handicrafts in an

Czech Glass Czech Glass

Publikace je 2. revidovaným, doplněným a rozšířeným vydáním z roku 2001, jehož podstatná část byla zničena při povodních a mezi odbornou i laickou veřejnost se dostala pouze sporadicky. Prioritně se publikace věnuje vývoji výtvarných forem části české sklářské produkce, která bývá nazývána autorským sklem (skleněnou plastikou a tvorbou objektů) nebo také individuálním designem. Analyzuje specifickou

How to Read Pattern How to Read Pattern

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For many the smoke and mirrors which surround Banksy are as fascinating as the artwork of the 21st century\'s most important living artist. Banksy Myths Volume 2 takes the same approach as Vol 1. We collect the stories, the reader can judge for themselves

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