18,00 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 14.05.2024

From New York Times Bestselling author Scott Galloway comes an urgent examination of the future of America and the reasons behind its current social and economic crisisIn Adrift, Scott Galloway looks from the past to the present - from 1945 to the 2020s - to reveal how America has reached its current state of political, social and economic crisis. It is on the brink of massive change, change that will

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From New York Times Bestselling author Scott Galloway comes an urgent examination of the future of America and the reasons behind its current social and economic crisisIn Adrift, Scott Galloway looks from the past to the present - from 1945 to the 2020s - to reveal how America has reached its current state of political, social and economic crisis. It is on the brink of massive change, change that will disrupt the working of its economy and drastically impact its financial backbone, the middle class. Telling America's story through 100 charts, Galloway demonstrates how crises such as Jim Crow, World War II, and the Stock Market Crash of 2008, as well as the escalating power of technology, an entrenched white patriarchy, and the socio-economic effects of the pandemic, created today's perfect storm.Adrift seeks to make sense of it all, and offers Galloway's unique take on where America is headed and what it will become. It's a vital guide for anyone who wants to understand the state the country is in and how and why its influence on the world has changed.


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Na našom webe môžete tiež nájsť recenzie od našich spokojných čitateľov, aby ste si mohli urobiť predstavu o kvalite kníh, ktoré ponúkame. Zabezpečujeme rýchle doručenie a profesionálny zákaznícky servis, pretože vaša spokojnosť je pre nás najdôležitejšia.

Či už máte radi napínavé príbehy, históriu, sci-fi záhady alebo romantické dobrodružstvá, na našom webe v podkategórii Knihy určite nájdete niečo, čo vás zaujme. Prechádzajte našou bohatou ponukou a nechajte sa unášať do sveta kníh!

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All the branches of the animal kingdom - birds, fish, crustaceans, reptiles, mammals, insects, and even slime moulds undertake great journeys across water land or air. This is a glorious celebration of the mysteries and marvels of migration. Migration is one of the great mysteries of the natural world.With no compass or GPS devices, birds fly thousands of miles from Europe to their African feeding

Zvířátka - Zábavné úkoly se samolepkami - autor neuvedený Zvířátka - Zábavné úkoly se samolepkami - autor neuvedený

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Cursed teenage boy saves mankind one soul at a time. R to L (Japanese Style). \"Black Star, Red Star\" A Noah called Lulu Bell leads an army of Akuma against the exorcists in order to retrieve the Egg, a device that will enable the Millenium Earl to activate his new Ark. With most of the surviving exorcists incapacitated, it\'s up to Allen and Bookman to try to stop the Akuma from making off with the

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This book, the text of Martin Heidegger\'s lecture course of 1929/30, is crucial for an understanding of Heidegger\'s transition from the major work of his early years, Being and Time, to his later preoccupations with language, truth, and history. First published in German in 1983 as volume 29/30 of Heidegger\'s collected works, The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics presents an extended treatment

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Biela je farbou tohto kraja. Nemenná, neustála biela. Obloha, zem i voda sú biele. Biely je aj dych, ktorý vám tu stúpa od úst. Špicbergy, najsevernejšie ľudské sídlo na svete, ktoré z človeka dokáže vydestilovať jeho najhlbšiu podstatu. Predstavte si dlhý, pol roka trvajúci deň. Neustále svetlo. Slnko sa sotva dotkne horizontu, a hneď sa zase ako lopta odrazí na nebo. Alebo presný opak. Nekonečnú

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