9,49 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Užite si prvé kroky k dvojjazyčnej slovnej zásobe s touto interaktívnou knihou. Deti sa naučia pomenovať 100 zvierat, nielen vo svojom materskom jazyku, ale aj v Angličtine! Deti môžu jednoduchým potiahnutím za záložku objaviť preklad toho, čo sa zobrazuje na scéne. Učenie sa cudzieho jazyka nikdy nebolo zábavnejšie.

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Užite si prvé kroky k dvojjazyčnej slovnej zásobe s touto interaktívnou knihou. Deti sa naučia pomenovať 100 zvierat, nielen vo svojom materskom jazyku, ale aj v Angličtine! Deti môžu jednoduchým potiahnutím za záložku objaviť preklad toho, čo sa zobrazuje na scéne. Učenie sa cudzieho jazyka nikdy nebolo zábavnejšie.

V cudzom jazyku

Vitajte na našom webe v kategórii "V cudzom jazyku" určenej pre deti a mládež! Táto podkategória je zameraná na rozvoj jazykových schopností detí v cudzom jazyku prostredníctvom zábavy a interaktívnych aktivít.

Naše výučbové prostriedky sú navrhnuté tak, aby deti získali základné jazykové znalosti a zároveň opatrovali ich záujem a motiváciu. Poskytujeme širokú škálu učebných materiálov, vrátane online kurzov, interaktívnych hier a kvízov, zvukových nahrávok a mnoho ďalších vzrušujúcich režimov, ktoré umožňujú deťom učiť sa jazyk hravo a efektívne.

Naše kurzy sú prispôsobené veku a jazykovým schopnostiam detí. Používame moderné vyučovacie metódy ako je hranie rolí, skupinové aktivity a praktické cvičenia, ktoré umožňujú deťom uplatniť študovaný jazyk v reálnych situáciách. Naši skúsení lektori sú motivovaní podporovať deti a rozvíjať ich sebavedomie pri komunikácii v cudzom jazyku.

Na našom webe si deti môžu vybrať zo širokej škály jazykov, vrátane angličtiny, španielčiny, francúzštiny, nemčiny a ďalších. Ponúkame aj jazykové kurzy zamerané na konkrétne témy, ako napríklad rozprávanie, gramatika, slovná zásoba a mnoho ďalších. Naše vzdelávacie materiály sú vizuálne príťažlivé a atraktívne, aby deti boli zapojené a motivované počas celého učebného procesu.

Veríme, že jazykové vzdelanie je dôležitým aspektom rastu a rozvoja detí. S naším webom a kurzy im chceme poskytnúť skvelú príležitosť naučiť sa cudzí jazyk a rozšíriť svoje vnímanie sveta. Tešíme sa na spoluprácu s vami a našim cieľom je pomôcť deťom rozvinúť ich jazykové schopnosti a záujem o jazyky prostredníctvom zábavných a vzdelávacích aktivít.

Laura a Sebastián Laura a Sebastián

Aj vy ste presvedčení, že vaše dieťa potrebuje do života znalosť svetových jazykov? Ak áno, tak presne v tomto vám môže nenásilným a hravým spôsobom pomôcť kniha úspešnej slovenskej spisovateľky Danky Janebovej. Je to príbeh, ktorý sa denne odohráva v mnohých mladých rodinách, plný láskavého, nevtieravého humoru. Sledujeme v ňom malú Lauru a jej bračeka Sebastiána pri ich každodenných starostiach aj

Matricás történelem: Jégkorszak Matricás történelem: Jégkorszak

Tudj meg mindent a jégkori ősemberekről, fedezd fel a hihetetlen állatvilágot a mamutoktól kezdve a barlangi medvéken át a kardfogú tigrisig és erszényes oroszlánig! Izgalmasabbnál izgalmasabb tények minden oldalon! A tengernyi matricával keltsd életre a jégkorszak világát! Mire vársz? Indulhat az időutazás! Ismerkedj meg a jégkorszakkal!

Peep Inside a Forest Peep Inside a Forest

Peep into the forest to discover twittering birds and busy bugs, sleepy bears and a spring-cleaning badger in this charming book filled with intricately cut flaps and holes to peep through. Little children can see how the forest changes through the seasons, find out what happens to autumn leaves and discover a bird sitting on the eggs in her nest.

Puffin Classics Deluxe Collection Puffin Classics Deluxe Collection

Childhood classics Black Beauty, Peter Pan, The call of the Wild, The wind in the willows, The Secret Garden, The adventures of Robin Hood, Huckleberry Finn, Anne of Green Gables. book Gift set. Brand new set of children\'s books.

Love Around The World Love Around The World

Introduce children to the wonderful ways love is expressed in different cultures and countries across the globe. From gifting lunch boxes in Japan to adorning brides with beautiful henna designs in India, writing someone a loving poem on Sinterklaas in the Netherlands or lighting a lantern on the Chinese New Year, Love Around The World shows the ways family and friendship are celebrated around the

Channel Kindness: Stories of Kindness and Community Channel Kindness: Stories of Kindness and Community

A collection of 51 stories of kindness, bravery, and resilience from young people all over the world collected by the Born This Way Foundation and introduced by Lady Gaga. For Lady Gaga, kindness is the driving force behind everything she says and does. The quiet power of kindness can change the way we view one another, our communities, and even ourselves. She embodies this mission, and through her

Look Inside Wild Weather Look Inside Wild Weather

Lift the flaps to brave all kinds of extreme weather, from violent tornadoes and hurricanes, to extreme heat-waves, droughts and wildfires. The final page explores the affect climate change is having on wild weather around the world.

Sticker Dolly Dressing Design Studio Party Clothes Sticker Dolly Dressing Design Studio Party Clothes

Create a book full of your own fashion designs using the stickers, stencils, patterned papers and rub-down transfers from the box. Throughout this book there are suggestions of ideas you could try, and lots of fashion hints and tips.

Disney Baby My First Colour Disney Baby My First Colour

Little ones will love seeing all the colors of the rainbow in this sturdy board book with a flap on every page designed for curious babies.

Peppa Pig Board Book Peppa Pig Board Book

Peppa Board Book Shrinkwrap x8

Colours of History Colours of History

Why did Roman emperors wear purple? Which colour is made from crushed beetles? What green pigment might be used to build super-fast computers of the future? Find out the answers to these and many more questions in this vibrant exploration of the stories behind different colours, and the roles they\'ve played throughout history. From black to white, and all the colours in between, every shade has a

A Little Paper Caper A Little Paper Caper

A specially adapted board book edition of Oliver Jeffers\' original whodunit The Great Paper Caper. There was once a forest where everyone was contentedly going about their business. All was well until the strangest thing suddenly started happening. Without any warning, branches started disappearing from trees. Something would have to be done, everyone agreed - everyone that is, except for someone

Petra Petra

The humorous adventures of an irresistible little rock who finds herself in constantly changing circumstances, Petra is a picture book that celebrates the power of perspective and believing in yourself. Petra is a little rock who believes she is a mighty mountain . . . until a dog fetches her for its owner, and she is tossed into a bird\'s nest. A mountain? No, Petra is now an egg! An egg of the world

Horrible Histories - 20th Century Horrible Histories - 20th Century

Takes readers bang up-to-date with the terrible \'Twentieth Century\'. In this title, readers will love to find out all the most rotten recent history, from the last days of the vile Victorian queen right up to the nostalgic Nineties, and all the amazi ng changes and incredible inventions that happened in between.

Hey Grandude! Hey Grandude!

New York Times No.1 Bestseller From the legendary Paul McCartney - an action-packed picture-book adventure celebrating the fun grandparents and grandchildren can have when their imaginations run wild. See the compass needle spin - let the magic fun begin! Grandude is a one-of-a-kind adventurer - a Mary Poppins for the modern day! With his magic compass he whisks his four grandkids off on whirlwind

Bear Snores On + CD Bear Snores On + CD

It seems like Bear can sleep through anything. As a succession of animals enter his cave to escape the fierce storm, he continues to snore. Mouse makes a nice warm fire, Hare cooks popcorn and Badger brings treats...They are having a great time. But when Bear wakes up and realises he\'s missed out on the fun, his visitors fear the worst. Can Bear be persuaded to join the party? This read-aloud rhyming

Francouzština pro děti Francouzština pro děti

Tato zábavná učebnice je určena dětem mladšího školního věku. V patnácti lekcích (a třech opakovacích lekcích) dívenka Juliane doprovodí děti do míst, která ji zajímají a seznámí je s lidmi, jež má ráda. Děti tak poznají její rodinu, nahlédnou do jejího pokoje, zjistí, co ráda jí, co si obléká, jaká jsou kolem ní zvířata, podívají se spolu do školy, oslaví Vánoce, zasportují si… Kniha byla vytvořena

Ghost Story Box Ghost Story Box

Create your own spooky tales - based on a unique and original format, this game contains 20 story-telling puzzle pieces printed on both sides. Each piece can be interchanged or flipped over to allow for all kinds of plot twists and turns, and there are even three alternative endings! When all the puzzle pieces are used, they stretch out to over 8-feet long to tell your own mega ghost story! Can you

Shrek 3: Forever After Shrek 3: Forever After

Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reading material for younger learners. \"The Shrek\" films are popular with children around the world. This title is based on the fourth and final film in the franchise. It comes with a CD recording of the story.

Hello Neighbor - Grave Mistakes Hello Neighbor - Grave Mistakes

The pulse-pounding original prequel series based on the stealth horror video game Hello Neighbor continues! As construction begins on the Golden Apple Amusement Park, Aaron Peterson is becoming increasingly worried about his father. Working late nights in his study, Aaron\'s dad seems to be fraying at the edges - pushing, and sometimes breaking, the laws of engineering with his new schematics. And

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