70,32 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

pWriter's Workshop engages young writers with high interest writing prompts and projects. The Writer's Workshop method creates a happy environment where kids are coached incrementally towards improved writing skills. pLayers of Learning Writer's Workshops are nothing short of amazing My son struggled desperately with writing, and I, despite having an elementary education degree, struggled to teach

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pWriter's Workshop engages young writers with high interest writing prompts and projects. The Writer's Workshop method creates a happy environment where kids are coached incrementally towards improved writing skills. pLayers of Learning Writer's Workshops are nothing short of amazing My son struggled desperately with writing, and I, despite having an elementary education degree, struggled to teach it. However, while I find it hard to formulate my own teaching plans, I know a good curriculum when I see one, and this is the BEST writing curriculum I've come across in 10 years of homeschooling. - Amy, a customerpThis book is a parent guide to help the adult plan daily writing lessons. It can be used to teach all ages from 6 years old to 18 years old and can be used simultaneously with different ages or abilities, family-style.pWhat's In This BookpWriter's Workshop includes nine month-long units including pollibWriter's Workshop Jump Startb - to break free of old writing patterns, learn to have fun writing, and learn the writing process.lilibSentences, Paragraphs, Narrationsb - to teach well-crafted, powerful sentences and paragraphs plus how to retell information in your own words.lilibDescriptions Instructionsb - to paint a picture in your reader's mind with vivid language plus write clear instructions.lilibFanciful Storiesb - to write setting, characters, plot, and dialogue for fictional stories of all lengths.lilibPoetryb - to write formula poems, free-verse poems, rhyme schemes, and spare figurative language.lilibTrue Storiesb - to write biographies, news articles, memoirs, and more.lilibReports Essaysb - to research and write book reports, science reports, history reports, essays and more.lilibLettersb - to write letters to friends and family, write business letters, fill out forms, craft a resume, and more.lilibPersuasive Writing b- to get people to


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