44,99 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 15.09.2024

What's it like to be a superhero? This Japanese manga is a story about a world where superpowers ("quirks") have become common. The story follows Izuku Midoriya, a boy who was born without a gift. However, he still dreams of becoming a superhero, in which he is helped by the world's greatest hero, Ali Might, who enrolls the boy in a prestigious school for superheroes. The collector's edition of MONOPOLY

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What's it like to be a superhero? This Japanese manga is a story about a world where superpowers ("quirks") have become common. The story follows Izuku Midoriya, a boy who was born without a gift. However, he still dreams of becoming a superhero, in which he is helped by the world's greatest hero, Ali Might, who enrolls the boy in a prestigious school for superheroes. The collector's edition of MONOPOLY is a unique gift for My Hero Academia fans and an exciting game that will keep you entertained for hours. You will find many manga tidbits there that may surprise you! The world of My Hero Academia The MONOPOLY board is dedicated to the My Hero Academia theme. You will find there important figures from this world - students and teachers. The board appears, among others: possessor of the One For All - All Might gift; Rikido Sato, whose Quirk allows him to increase his strength fivefold for three minutes; Mezo Shoji, whose quirk allows him to manipulate all six arms; Momo Yaoyorozu, with leadership skills; Eijiro Kirishima, also known as Red Riot, who is training to become a professional hero; Izuku Midoriya, a close student of All Might. These are just some of the Academy's characters. You can make your moves using collectible pieces. It will be up to you which one you choose and how you will play the rest of the game. Game rules The rules of the game are the same as in classic MONOPOLY. Players choose pawns and take cat banknotes in denominations of 500, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5 and 1. The game begins with the person who rolls the most numbers on the dice. The players' task is to gain as much fortune as possible - this is possible by purchasing fields on the board. Be careful! You have to pay dearly to enter someone else's field. The winner is the player who gains an advantage on the board and causes the other participants to go bankrupt. In MONOPOLY you can create your own rules, but remember the most important thing - don't cheat and have fun! Box contents: game board, instruction, 6 collectible pawns, 28 Title Deed cards, 16 Plus Ultra cards, 16 Go Beyond cards, Monopoly money, 32 houses renamed as prizes, 12 hotels renamed trophies, 2 dice. Specification: number of players: 2-6, age: 8+, game time: 1-3 hours.

Hry v angličtine

Vitajte na našom webu zameranom na hry! V tejto podkategórii Hry vám ponúkame široký výber zábavy pre všetky vekové kategórie. Či ste fanúšikom akčných hier, logických hádaniek, stratégií alebo športových simulácií, u nás nájdete niečo pre každého.

Naša stránka je plná rôznych recenzií hier, noviniek, tipov a trikov pre hranie, ako aj informácií o najnovších trendy vo svete hier. Ak sa radi dozvedáte nové informácie o hrateľnosti, grafike a príbehu hier, ste na správnom mieste.

Vo výbere hier sme sa snažili byť čo najpestrší, aby sme uspokojili rôzne herné preferencie a gusta našich návštevníkov. Preto nájdete hry rôznych žánrov vrátane RPG, adventúrnych hier, FPS, online hier a mnoho ďalších. Sme si istí, že si vyberiete svoju obľúbenú hru bez ohľadu na váš herný štýl.

Naša stránka je pre všetkých, ktorí majú radi hry a chcú sa dozvedieť viac o tomto vzrušujúcom a dynamickom svete. Všetky naše recenzie sú objektívne a presné, aby sme vám poskytli čo najlepšie informácie pri rozhodovaní, ktorú hru si zakúpiť alebo vyskúšať.

Náš tím zanietených a skúsených hráčov sa snaží dobíjať sa do hlbín hier a prinášať vám čo najviac zaujímavých a aktuálnych správ. Sme tu pre vás, aby sme vám uľahčili výber a pomohli vám nájsť hru, ktorá vás naplno pohltí do sveta virtuálnej zábavy.

Nepremeškajte naše pravidelné aktualizácie a odporúčania, vďaka ktorým nezmeškáte žiadne zaujímavé novinky a vylepšenia vo svete hier. Zaregistrujte sa na našom webe a nechajte sa unášať dobrodružstvom herného sveta.

Hra Monopoly Rick and Morty (hra v angličtine) Hra Monopoly Rick and Morty (hra v angličtine)

This Rick and Morty edition of Monopoly combines the traditional gameplay of the family favourite with the offbeat humour of Rick and Morty. This game features a new board with spaces based on various locations in the multiverse. It also features cards, money, and playing pieces influenced by the cartoon series. For 2 to 6 players.

Hra Monopoly My Hero Academia (hra v angličtine) Hra Monopoly My Hero Academia (hra v angličtine)

What\'s it like to be a superhero? This Japanese manga is a story about a world where superpowers (\"quirks\") have become common. The story follows Izuku Midoriya, a boy who was born without a gift. However, he still dreams of becoming a superhero, in which he is helped by the world\'s greatest hero, Ali Might, who enrolls the boy in a prestigious school for superheroes. The collector\'s edition of

Hra Monopoly David Bowie (hra v angličtine) Hra Monopoly David Bowie (hra v angličtine)

Ashes to ashes, funk to funky; David Bowie comes to MONOPOLY. Relive the life and works of one of the most innovative, influential and highly-regarded musicians of all time as you buy up the albums of the Thin White Duke himself, and charge other players rent for landing on them. It Ain’t Easy, but if you Hang On To Yourself you might just be able to buy up every space, build stages and stadiums to

Hra Monopoly Dungeons and Dragons (hra v angličtine) Hra Monopoly Dungeons and Dragons (hra v angličtine)

Roll for initiative! Your party has stumbled upon the call to explore fantastical creatures of this realm and beyond with MONOPOLY: Dungeons & Dragons! Buy, sell and trade iconic and deadly monsters like the Beholder, Storm Giant and infamous Demogorgon to nerf the competition in this role-playing adventurer’s twist on the classic game. Build up Expeditions and Bases to capitalise on research and charge

Hra Cluedo Rick and Morty (hra v angličtine) Hra Cluedo Rick and Morty (hra v angličtine)

The plans to Rick\'s portal gun have been stolen! It\'s up to Rick, Morty, Summer, Jerry, Beth and Mr. Poopybutthole to get them back. They must find out WHO stole the plans, WHERE they are hiding, and WHAT item they used to succeed in the heist. Once you think you\'ve solved the mystery, make it back to Earth and put the plans back in Rick\'s safe. Key Features The Classic Mystery Board Game sees

Hra Monopoly Dinosaurs (hra v angličtine) Hra Monopoly Dinosaurs (hra v angličtine)

The Dinosaurs are back! After millions of years, these ferocious animals have beaten extinction and returned in this exclusive edition of the Monopoly board game. Will you collect the Diplodocus? Stegosaurus? Or Triceratops? Travel around the board using one of six unique and exclusive tokens, as you purchase tents and jeeps instead of houses and hotels. Instead of travel squares, you can purchase

Hra Black Skull Island (hra v angličtine) Hra Black Skull Island (hra v angličtine)

Nalúpená korisť je zhromaždená - teraz ide o to, kto si z nej uchmatne najviac. Piráti nepoznajú zľutovanie. Rýchla a dynamická kartová hra Black Skull Island vás prenesie do sveta pirátov. Na ruke budete mať dve karty postáv s rozmanitými efektami, každé kolo jednou z nich vstúpite do hry. Všetko sa však môže zmeniť - jednotlivé efekty kariet interagujú a vaše úmysly nemusia vyjsť. Hra je prispôsobená

Hra Buzzed Tower (hra v angličtine) Hra Buzzed Tower (hra v angličtine)

Buzzed Tower je ďalšou párty hrou z rodiny What do you meme. Hra je znova plavidlovo jednoduchá, v tejto verzii sa stretnete s ukladaním kociek a pitím :-) Striedavo si ťaháte kartu z vrchnej časti balíčka. Keď prídete na rad, prečítate kartu nahlas a bude piť na základe výzvy na karte, podľa toho, o čo ide. Táto verzia je určená najmä dospelým.

Hra Snack Lights, Camera, Action Alias (hra v angličtine) Hra Snack Lights, Camera, Action Alias (hra v angličtine)

Lights, camera, action! Explain your way through the thrilling world of entertainment and cinema – but choose your words carefully! The player in turn explains word to all the other players, and the one who guesses it right, scores a point.

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